2025 SA Classic & Equipped Bench Press Championship Online Entry

Detail required for Nomination in the upcoming Championships. Please complete all fields below. Hint: If are registered and logged into the website, your details will be pre-populated into the required fields. Register at http://www.powerliftingsa.co.za/user/register

Entry fee: R800 per competition (includes a tshirt)

Extra Age Category: R300 per competition

Extra T-Shirt: R300

NOTE: For this competition, entry fees must be paid into the following account, and the proof of payment attached on this form below:

BIDVEST BANK 3301605401, Branch 462005 (with your name as reference)

Payment to be made with Preliminary Entry.

Weight Category changes to be emailed to meg@cf1610.co.za before close of 21 Feb 2025.

Timetable to be announced after Final Entries


NO entry will be accepted after the Entry Closing Date. Entries can only be in the division/category in which the lifter has already qualified. In terms of IPF rules, this date is deemed to be the Preliminary Entry Date. Payment must be made and proof of payment uploaded with this Entry to secure your entry, otherwise your Entry will be rejected. Payment amounts are all listed on the Entry Form. Refunds will only be given if you withdraw prior to Final Entry Date.

Changes only relate to Please Category and Weight Class, but you still need to have qualified for the changed Category and/or Weight Class. Please notify the Meet Director directly with these changes. Details are on the Entry Form. In terms of IPF rules, this date is deemed to be the Final Date.


This must be within the last 12 months. M3 and M4 women do not need a qualifying Total.

List the name/s of Coach for the Championship. no access will be permitted other than to those names listed.

Attach your Payfast or EFT proof of payment

Please specify the full details making up your payment so it can be allocated correctly


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